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Junefield Mining Group Held 2012 Geological Work Review Conference
日期:2013/1/3  浏览次数:2560

On 3rd January, 2013, Junefield Mineral Resources Holdings Limited organized its field engineers from Geological Exploration Centre to present 2012 work review and 2013 field work resolution to Junefield Group President, Mr. Zhou. This presentation was conducted by 4 field teams, and presented by the supervisor from each team: Goyo Guzman, Fausto Martel, Elvis Diaz, Jhonny Peñaranda.

The copper mine team supervisors Goyo Guzman and Fausto Martel independently presented the company owned projects, Hualacane, Moquegua South, San Julian, Condorani Project, and Mayvic, Moquegua North, Palcamayo, La Micha, Palcagold Project, which are located on the copper belt in southern Peru; the iron mine team supervisor Elvis Diaz presented the Alcon High-sulfer Epithermal Project on the south boarder of Peru; gold and polymetallic team supervisor Jhonny Peñaranda presented the Corivale Ploymetallic Project in Apurimac District.

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