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Junefield (Holdings) Limited was founded in Hong Kong in January 1990
日期:2012/3/16  浏览次数:1518

Junefield (Holdings) Limited was founded in Hong Kong in January 1990. Since then it has invested accumulatively more than RMB 12 billion in Beijing, Shanghai, Hubei, Hunan of China, forming the total assets of over RMB 22 billion and offering more than 20,000 job opportunities.

Junefield (Holdings) Limited was founded in Hong Kong in January 1990. Since then it has invested accumulatively more than RMB 12 billion in Beijing, Shanghai, Hubei, Hunan of China, forming the total assets of over RMB 22 billion and offering more than 20,000 job opportunities.

  法律声明 | 版权信息 | 隐私保护 | 招聘信息 | 免责声明 版权所有:庄胜集团|庄胜矿产资源集团有限公司|庄胜矿产   京ICP备085115010号